Sunday, November 4, 2012

Guy's Might

Saturday was our first full free day. No homework for anyone. Nowhere to be. Well Allie had work Saturday night... But besides that we were FREE! Saturday morning I woke up in a reclining chair in Sarah's theater. That night's sleep was probably one of the best sleeps I've ever had in a chair before. I woke up to a ton of whispering. "Should we wake her up?" "I'll throw something at her!" "NO DON'T DO THAT! That's the Worst way to wake up!" "Here I'll wake her up. Watch this." And then Allie jumped on too if me and started to hug me like a koala; both arms and legs were wrapped around me. "Good morning sweetie!" I woke up laughing. After that we cleaned up and Allie drove us back to her house. As soon as we got home Sarah and Allie stared planning my first trip to Wegman's, the biggest supermarket in Pittsford. While they were explaining it to me it occurred to me that it sounded a lot like The Anderson's. Wegman's was owned by a local and rich family. There were a few Wegman's in the area but they were slowly spreading out to other states. As we pulled up to Wegman's it had started to snow a little. Honestly it looked like Hogwarts. It was huge! The supermarket part of the store was about the size if Anderson's but also attached to the supermarket was a GIANT homemade food court and a cafe. We went there to eat lunch and when we reached the food part of the store I just stood there screaming WHAT DO I DO! It was so busy and Sarah, Allie, and I were all just running around and freaking out because it was my first time and I was in shock! I ended up eating from the home style section and the Asian wokery (which I'm still convinced is not a word). After our little freak out at Wegman's, Allie drove us all back to her place and Sarah and I took a 2 hour nap. It was very pleasant. When I woke up Allie was going to work and Sarah's dad was picking her up and taking her home. Then I got a text from Michael. He invited me to go see Little Women with himself, Sean, and Kevin. I had just gotten invited to Guy's Might. Guy's Might is what eVeryone calls guys night. The 'might' part came from a typo in a text that Allie won't let due and it stuck. Now whenever the guys plan a party (even if you're not a guy you're allowed to come) its called Guy's Might. So we went and saw Little Woman and it was probably the worst play I've ever seen in my life. Worse than any MV play. The mics kept going in and out. There was so much feedback. The set was not very nice. The acting was mostly mediocre except for the two girls that we had all gone to support. On the way home we were all harsh critics and I felt bad but apparently they never say bad things about shows so this was a first for them. When I got home I passed out on my bed. It was a great night. Every night is a great night here in New York.

1 comment:

  1. Can we talk about the word "Wokery"?
    Sounds like you're living it up. When you return we will have an epic guys might.
