Thursday, November 8, 2012

4 more days

It's already Wednesday and it feels like a Monday. Same old same old with classes except today in US history we talked about the election. In English we talked more about Orwell and stared up a discussion about a short story by Malcolm X. In chorus we sight sang and I learned the tenor part of a song about Jericho. In voice class I practiced the piece that I will be performing for the class on Friday and got some good tips from Ms. Rice. After my free period I went to honors physics and that's when I blogged about my opinions on teaching methods. (Still I apologize for the frankness if my teaching methods blog.) Lunch was great but I do miss Organic Ann, Allie's mom, packing my lunch every day. Sarah and I were standing in line for lunch (it was chicken parm day) but by the time we got to the front of the line there wasn't any chicken parm left :( it was very disappointing. In ceramics I glazed my bird. I tried to pick colors that were both realistic and beautiful (which isn't that hard because nature is often beautiful). When I get it back I will post a picture so everyone can see my ceramic skillz (that's right skills with a z!). In drawing and painting II, instead of working on my nearly finished drawing of Dylan and Natasha, we had a critique day. Everyone in my class went upstairs to the library and we talked about each others pieces and gave compliments and ideas for the future. It was fun but I would really like to finish my art project before I leave. I learned early today that I will not be at school for my last drawing and painting II class and so I have to finish my drawing piece tomorrow. I hope I'll be able to finish it in time. After school everyone came back to Sarah's house and we watched the first half of Fiddler On The Roof because the theater club is putting it on in a few months. Apparently Fiddler is 3 hours long and none of us knew that so we didn't get to watch all of it but, enough to get an idea. After everyone left, Sarah and I layed around all night playing guitar and singing as well as watching Adventure Time. Her father requested that we learn a song and perform it for him before I leave on Sunday. I think we are going to do it. Tomorrow I have a voice lesson at Eastman and I'm so nervous. I guess I'll just have to wait and see how it goes. Only four more days in Pittsford, New York and I know now that I'm really going to miss it.

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